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Frank Azar Helps Students by Funding Scholarships in Trinidad

May 2, 2014

Trinidad State Educational Foundation held their annual Fun & Fundraiser on April 26th, and though Frank Azar was unable to be present physically, he was well represented. Mr. Azar has committed $250,000 to the fund over the next 5 years. “Franklin knows the value of education, and he believes that everyone should have the chance to go to college, regardless of their financial situation. Franklin is committed to making a difference for Trinidad State students, [and] this is a wonderfully generous investment in the students of Trinidad State and the educational opportunities the students have available.”

Mr. Azar is no stranger to helping out Trinidad students. He hosts an annual golf tournament (in which two students are awarded scholarships), and has made several contributions to the Latin Scholarship Fund.

UPDATE: Attorney Franklin Azar is presented with a miniature bronze Trojan statue by TSJC President, Dr. Carmen Simone in appreciation for his pledge of $250,000 to be funded by annual contributions of $50,000 over five years for the Franklin D. Azar Scholarship Fund. TSJC Educational Foundation President, Miriam Zappanti (far left), Foundation Board Member, Ed Trommeter (second from right), and Foundation Executive Director, Toni DeAngelis (far right) were also on hand for the presentation.