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Dunk Tank for Aurora Public Schools

Aug 24, 2017

It’s that time of year again! The staff at Franklin D. Azar & Associates hosted a Dunk Tank fundraiser for Aurora Public Schools. The Aurora Public School system is an incredibly diverse collection of nearly 40,000 students from 131 different countries, speaking 133 languages! Though APS is an amazing school system, they have to run on a pretty tight budget and at some Aurora Public Schools, budgeted supplies can be as low as $30 per student. On average school supplies cost around $200, $330, and $375 per elementary, middle, and high school student respectively. Franklin D. Azar & Associates is proud to support its community by raising money to purchase school supplies for the Aurora Public School system.  Our main office is in Aurora and many of our clients are from Aurora as well! Recently, our investigation department hosted a dunk-tank fundraiser to purchase school supplies for the upcoming school year.  Some of the firm’s top lawyers and administrators got dunked to show support and we raised more than $1,500!  We will be continuing to collect school supplies over the next few weeks so the students of Aurora can start the school year off right!  Don’t forget to learn more about some of the firm’s top lawyers who stepped up the dunk tank including Bill Marlin, Tonya Melnichenko, and Natalie Brown, and as always, if you’ve been injured in an accident call us today and we will fight to get you the compensation you deserve!