Denver Catastrophic Injury Attorneys

Suffering a catastrophic injury in Denver is devastating. In an instance, someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions can forever change your life, leaving you with pain, emotional distress, and financial hardships.

As you focus on recovery and adjusting to a new reality, the last thing you need is the stress of dealing with insurance companies and complex legal issues. You need help getting the full compensation you deserve. 

That’s where the experienced Denver catastrophic injury attorneys at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., come in. We understand the immense hardship and challenges you are facing.

Our compassionate legal team is here to lift that burden from your shoulders and fight fiercely for your rights. We’ll do all we can to help you obtain justice and fair compensation to cover the extensive losses and expenses associated with catastrophic injuries.

Let us advocate for you during this difficult time so you can focus on healing and moving forward.

Contact us today for your free consultation.

Why Should I Choose Your Firm to Handle My Denver Catastrophic Injury Claim?

American Institute of Legal AdvocateThe personal injury attorneys at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., provide aggressive, effective representation to catastrophically injured clients throughout Colorado.

When you work with us, you can expect:

  • Experience: Our lawyers have decades of collective experience fighting for personal injury victims. We can draw on this deep well of experience to build the strongest case for you.
  • Extensive resources: We have a large team of accomplished lawyers and work with the best experts to fully document catastrophic injuries, prove liability and damages, and refute the other side’s arguments. We have the resources to go toe-to-toe with big insurance companies and large corporations.
  • Personalized attention: We know that every case and client is unique. Our attorneys and staff will take the time to listen to you, answer your questions, and craft a legal strategy tailored to your specific situation and needs. 
  • Dedication to clients: Our entire mission is fighting for personal injury victims and their families. We understand the enormity of what you’re going through. We’re committed to shouldering your legal burdens so you can focus on recovery and moving forward. 
  • Results: We have a long track record of achieving excellent case results for clients with catastrophic injuries, whether through favorable settlements or winning at trial. While we cannot guarantee a particular outcome, we can promise to fight zealously for the best possible result for you.
  • Contingency fee representation: We represent catastrophic injury clients on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing upfront, and we only collect attorney fees if we successfully recover money for you. 

When another party’s wrongdoing caused a catastrophic injury that upended your life, you can count on “The Strong Arm”® Frank Azar and the legal team at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., to be your tireless advocates.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury typically has severe, life-altering, long-term or permanent effects. These injuries usually involve damage to the brain, spinal cord, or other vital bodily systems.

Catastrophic injuries significantly decrease a person’s ability to function and perform daily activities. Victims often require extensive, ongoing medical treatment and care.

Examples of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) 
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Severe burns
  • Amputations or loss of limb
  • Organ damage
  • Vision or hearing loss
  • Neurological disorders

The medical expenses alone for treating catastrophic injuries can be astronomical, easily reaching into the millions over a person’s lifetime. 

When you factor in lost income, reduced earning capacity, home modifications, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, the total damages are staggering. Catastrophic injury victims and their families need full and fair compensation.

Why Should I Choose Your Firm to Handle My Denver Catastrophic Injury Claim?

The personal injury attorneys at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., provide aggressive, effective representation to catastrophically injured clients throughout Colorado.

Denver's top lawyersWhen you work with us, you can expect:

  • Experience: Our lawyers have decades of collective experience fighting for personal injury victims. We can draw on this deep well of experience to build the strongest case for you.
  • Extensive resources: We have a large team of accomplished lawyers and work with the best experts to fully document catastrophic injuries, prove liability and damages, and refute the other side’s arguments. We have the resources to go toe-to-toe with big insurance companies and large corporations.
  • Personalized attention: We know that every case and client is unique. Our attorneys and staff will take the time to listen to you, answer your questions, and craft a legal strategy tailored to your specific situation and needs. 
  • Dedication to clients: Our entire mission is fighting for personal injury victims and their families. We understand the enormity of what you’re going through. We’re committed to shouldering your legal burdens so you can focus on recovery and moving forward. 
  • Results: We have a long track record of achieving excellent case results for clients with catastrophic injuries, whether through favorable settlements or winning at trial. While we cannot guarantee a particular outcome, we can promise to fight zealously for the best possible result for you.
  • Contingency fee representation: We represent catastrophic injury clients on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing upfront, and we only collect attorney fees if we successfully recover money for you. 

When another party’s wrongdoing caused a catastrophic injury that upended your life, you can count on “The Strong Arm”® Frank Azar and the legal team at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., to be your tireless advocates.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury typically has severe, life-altering, long-term or permanent effects. These injuries usually involve damage to the brain, spinal cord, or other vital bodily systems.

Catastrophic injuries significantly decrease a person’s ability to function and perform daily activities. Victims often require extensive, ongoing medical treatment and care.

Examples of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) 
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Severe burns
  • Amputations or loss of limb
  • Organ damage
  • Vision or hearing loss
  • Neurological disorders

The medical expenses alone for treating catastrophic injuries can be astronomical, easily reaching into the millions over a person’s lifetime. 

When you factor in lost income, reduced earning capacity, home modifications, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, the total damages are staggering. Catastrophic injury victims and their families need full and fair compensation.

How Do Catastrophic Injuries Occur in Denver?

A wide range of accidents and incidents can cause catastrophic injuries in the Denver area.

10 best 2023 badgeSome common scenarios include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents are a leading cause of catastrophic injuries like TBIs and spinal cord damage. Crashes involving commercial trucks are especially likely to result in life-changing harm given the size and weight of tractor-trailers. Additionally, rideshare accidents, such as those involving Uber or Lyft vehicles, can cause passengers to sustain severe, life-altering injuries.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians can suffer catastrophic injuries if a vehicle strikes them while they’re crossing the street or standing on the sidewalk.
  • Construction and workplace accidents: Construction is one of the most dangerous industries. Workers can suffer catastrophic injuries from falls, being struck by objects, machinery accidents, trench collapses, etc. Explosions, fires, and exposure to toxic substances in various workplaces can also have devastating effects.
  • Defective products: Faulty products, especially defective vehicles, and safety equipment, can lead to life-changing injuries in the event of a malfunction or failure.

Catastrophic Injury Statistics for Denver and Colorado

Consider these notable statistics on catastrophic injuries in Denver and across Colorado:

  • The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment reports over 2,400 hospitalizations for TBIs each year statewide. TBIs are a major cause of death and disability, especially for older adults.
  • According to the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado, half of all traumatic brain injuries are caused by falls, followed by being struck by objects and motor vehicle accidents.
  • Crash information from the Colorado State Patrol reports over 120,000 motor vehicle crashes in the state in a recent year, with over 28,200 involving injuries. Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries nationally.
  • The Construction Industry Research and Policy Center ranks Colorado as the 4th worst state for workplace fatalities in construction, with falls accounting for roughly one-third of construction worker deaths.
  • A study in the Journal of Neurotrauma found that the average lifetime costs for a person with a spinal cord injury range from $1.6 million to $4.8 million depending on severity and age at the time of injury. For severe TBI, lifetime costs can exceed $3 million.

The Impact of Catastrophic Injuries on Your Life

Best-Law-Firm-US-News-2023-BadgeCatastrophic injuries turn lives upside down in myriad ways:

Physical Effects

Severe injuries cause debilitating pain and physical limitations, impairing mobility, speech, vision, and bodily functions.

Those injured often need extensive surgeries, hospitalizations, rehabilitation, medication, and assistive devices, as well as home and vehicle modifications.

All of this comes at a tremendous cost, and you shouldn’t have to bear the expense if another party caused your catastrophic injury.

Mental and Emotional Impact

Catastrophic injuries take a massive mental toll. Many victims experience depression, anxiety, PTSD, mood swings, sleep problems, social isolation, and strained relationships. Counseling can help but can cost hundreds of dollars a month.

Financial Costs

The lifetime costs of treatment and care for catastrophic injuries can run into the millions in some cases. Health insurance often falls short. Making matters worse, many victims can no longer work in the same capacity as before their injury, if at all.

Families lose income while facing overwhelming bills, which creates considerable hardships and burdens.

Lifestyle Changes

Severe, lasting injuries impact every facet of life. Everyday activities like dressing, bathing, eating, and getting around can become challenging if not impossible. Catastrophic injuries can affect your ability to enjoy your life, such as doing hobbies, attending social activities, and exercising. Injured people may need to rely on others for care. The entire family dynamic changes.

What Should I Do After Suffering a Catastrophic Injury in Denver?

Top-10-Personal-Injury-Law-Attorney-2023The steps you take after a catastrophic injury can improve your health, well-being, and legal case.

Here’s what to do:

  • Get medical attention immediately. Have doctors diagnose and document all your injuries. Follow treatment plans closely. 
  • Report the accident to appropriate parties. For example, report a car crash to police, a workplace injury to your employer, or an unsafe property condition to the owner.
  • Gather and preserve evidence from the accident scene if you can. Take photos of your injuries and anything that contributed to the accident. Keep damaged clothing and property.
  • Get contact information for any eyewitnesses.
  • Start a journal documenting your injuries, medical treatment, pain levels, and the impact on your daily life.
  • Be very cautious when communicating with insurance companies. Stick to the basic facts. Don’t give recorded statements, accept quick settlement offers, or sign anything without consulting a lawyer first.
  • Contact an experienced Denver catastrophic injury attorney to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation.

Even if you don’t know whether you have a case, speak with a knowledgeable lawyer as soon as possible. You must meet strict deadlines for taking legal action. An attorney can intervene with insurance companies on your behalf and conduct a thorough investigation while you focus on recovery.

How to Determine Liability for Catastrophic Injuries

Obtaining full compensation after a catastrophic injury generally requires proving the fault of one or more other parties.

Some examples of negligence that commonly lead to catastrophic injuries include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving  
  • Speeding and reckless driving
  • Failure to obey traffic laws
  • Negligent hiring of unfit drivers
  • Failure to follow safety regulations
  • Lack of proper protective equipment
  • Product design or manufacturing flaws

Proving fault for catastrophic injuries can be complex. It requires prompt action to preserve evidence before anyone loses or destroys it. Multiple parties may share liability. Large companies and insurance carriers often fight these high-stakes claims aggressively.

That’s why you need an experienced Denver personal injury law firm on your side.

The catastrophic injury attorneys at Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., have the knowledge, resources, and tenacity to thoroughly investigate your case, determine liability, and hold them fully accountable.

We regularly work with medical and technical experts to build compelling cases and refute the other side’s arguments.

How Much Compensation Can You Help Me Get?

While money can’t erase what happened, it can be critical for getting the care you need, paying bills, and improving your quality of life.

national-top-100-trial-lawyersWe can pursue compensation for your:

  • Past, current and future medical expenses  
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Long-term care needs
  • Lost income and reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress 
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Home and vehicle modifications 
  • Other economic and non-economic damages

If you lost a loved one to a catastrophic injury someone else caused, we can let you know if you qualify to seek compensation and file a wrongful death claim on your behalf.

We typically start by filing claims with the at-fault party’s insurance. We can handle all the paperwork, communications, and negotiations with insurers for you.

We have a successful track record of negotiating substantial settlements. However, if the other side won’t agree to a fair settlement, we won’t hesitate to file a lawsuit and take your case to trial.

Frequently Asked Questions About Denver Catastrophic Injury Claims

Q: What if I partially caused my catastrophic injury?

A: You may still recover compensation even if you were partially at fault.

Colorado follows a modified comparative negligence rule. You can recover damages as long as you were less than 50% at fault. However, your compensation will decrease in proportion to your share of fault. An attorney can fight allegations that blame you.

Q: How much is my catastrophic injury case worth?

A: The value of your claim will depend on factors like the severity of your injuries, the extent of your damages, and the available insurance coverage

An experienced lawyer can estimate your case’s value. In general, catastrophic injury cases involve substantial damages given the life-changing nature of the injuries.

Q: How long will my catastrophic injury case take?

A: The timeline for resolving a catastrophic injury claim can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the case, the severity of your injuries, and whether the case settles or goes to trial. Your attorney can give you a better idea of what to expect.

Q: How long do I have to sue the at-fault party for my catastrophic injuries in Colorado?

A: Act quickly after a catastrophic injury.

The statute of limitations for most personal injury lawsuits in Colorado is two years from the date of the injury. If a motor vehicle is involved, you have three years. 

If you miss this deadline, you lose your right to sue. Some rare exceptions can extend the deadline. An attorney can inform you of any deadlines or extensions that apply to your case and file your claim on time.

Get Help From an Experienced Denver Catastrophic Injury Attorney Now

Franklin D. Azar lawyer for Wrongful Death in Colorado

Franklin D. Azar, Denver Catastrophic Injury Attorney

At Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C., we know that suffering a catastrophic injury is devastating, but you don’t have to face this alone. Our compassionate, battle-tested personal injury lawyers are here to help you fight for justice. 

Contact us today at (303) 529-2104 for your free consultation with a caring Denver catastrophic injury attorney who has your best interests at heart.

We’ll meet when and where it’s convenient for you and your family, and you can rest easier knowing a dedicated legal professional is fighting hard for your rights and the maximum compensation you deserve.

Franklin D. Azar Accident Lawyers – Denver Office

4704 N Harlan St Suite 205 Denver, CO 80212
P: (303) 529-2104


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  • Payment of Medical Bills

  • Ongoing Medical / Care Expenses

  • Lost Income

  • Loss of Earning Capability

  • Pain and Suffering

  • Property Damage and Loss

  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses

  • Free telephone, home or hospital consultation that carries no obligation to you

  • Compiling evidence for your case

  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf and setting up claims

  • Fighting for the best settlement for your injury claim

  • Assisting you to arrange temporary transportation and getting your car fixed

  • Assisting you to receive timely medical treatment for your accident injuries

  • Helping you understand every step throughout your case