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Strength in Numbers

Over $2,300,000,000 Recovered


We battle major corporations on behalf of employees, consumers, and investors every day.

FDAZAR has recovered more than $2.3 billion for our clients in federal and state courts across the country. We have the experience and resources to represent plaintiffs in national class action lawsuits of any size, against any size opponent.


Proven Track Record of Verdicts and Settlements:


FDAzar filed class action cases in 26 states on behalf of hundreds of thousands of employees, obtaining jury verdicts or settlements of $187.6 million in Pennsylvania, $178 million in California, and $54.5 million in Minnesota. FDAzar changed the way Walmart pays for overtime and missed breaks.

HP Wage-and-Hour Class Action

FDAzar filed a successful class action case against HP, arguing that the company failed to pay incentive compensation and commission payments owed to its California sales employees in a timely manner under California law. FDAzar obtained a settlement of $25 million for class members.

Insurance Bad Faith Cases

In a series of class action lawsuits, FDAzar represented thousands of New Mexico residents who’d been wrongfully denied uninsured motorist coverage, resulting in over $19 million in value to the class participants.

Case Investigations

Current Cases

Settled Cases

Class Action Attorneys


What is a class action lawsuit?

A class action is a type of lawsuit in which one or several plaintiffs represent a large group (or “class”) of individuals, who’ve suffered similar losses at the hands of the same defendant(s). The numbers of claims involving common legal and factual issues makes it more efficient and cost-effective to combine them into a single action. Bringing one lawsuit rather than several gives more people access to the judicial system for relief, saves on legal costs and court time, prevents inconsistent verdicts, and allows individuals to combine their losses to make their case exponentially stronger. Plaintiffs in a class action are typically going up against large corporations with vast resources. Those corporations will use those resources to fight even the most legitimate claims. The filing of a class action claim can be a highly complex process. Having an experienced class action lawyer who can guide you through the litigation process can significantly increase chances of reaching a fair settlement. FDAzar is able to level the playing field for consumers, employees and investors through its exceptional legal representation of all class members’ rights and claims.

How do class action lawsuits get started?

Many class actions begin with claims filed by one or more individuals who suffered similar losses resulting from fraud, unfair practices, and/or improper conduct, or similar injuries caused by defective and dangerous products. To streamline the litigation process and reduce the burden on class members, one or more individuals are selected from the group to act as the class representatives. Frequently, the class representatives are the plaintiffs who first came to our firm with a complaint.

Why a class action and not an individual lawsuit?

Sometimes pursuing a claim on an individual basis costs more than you would ever recover. However, what happened to you may be happening to hundreds or thousands of other people. If, after speaking with you in detail, our class action attorneys discover that the wrong done to you is pervasive and widespread, they may ask you to consider joining with others in a similar situation to pursue your claim as a class action.

What other advantages are there to the class action approach?

By banding together as a class, plaintiffs can achieve a more efficient and lasting resolution in court than they might have reached in dozens of individual cases. Testimony and exhibits need only be presented in one case and legal and factual issues need only be decided once — lowering the overall cost and time of litigation. A class action is often the only mechanism for recovering damages in situations where it is difficult to justify the time and expense for one individual’s claim. For example, when hundreds or thousands of shareholders suffer small, individual losses that add up to millions as a result of a single corporate defendant’s misconduct, a class action lawsuit is likely the most cost-effective, expedient means for recovering those losses. Class actions may also be used to seek positive changes in corporate behavior, such as compelling a company’s executives to improve their business practices and their policies on how employees are treated. Most of all, the class action process empowers a group of individuals who have suffered damages — employees, investors, consumers, or some other identifiable group — and gives them a voice and equal ground to challenge how they were treated by seemingly more powerful entities. Class actions provide strength in numbers.

How can I determine if my case is suitable for class action?

For a lawsuit to proceed as a class action, a judge must certify it as meeting certain conditions specified by law. One of those conditions is that the claims and calculation of damages for the class representative are typical of those for the unnamed class members. If the degree and type of damage involved varies among proposed class members —which may be the case in injuries caused by pharmaceutical errors or defective medical devices — a judge might decide it’s better for the case to proceed as another type of mass action. The class action and complex litigation attorneys at FDAzar can evaluate your case and help you decide which approach best suits your claim.