Oct 19, 2021 | Animal Attacks
Thousands of people each year are bitten and attacked by animals—usually by dogs. In many of these cases, due to the lack of responsibility of the animal’s owner, the victim of such a heinous attack may be able to collect damages and ultimately be compensated...
Sep 7, 2021 | Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere both public and private — on the job and off. It is important to know how to protect your rights regarding fault under slip and fall circumstances. Injuries from slip and fall accidents can range anywhere from short term to...
Sep 4, 2021 | Wrongful Death
Wrongful death is a generally accepted description for the consequence of taking the life of an individual resulting from the willful or negligent act of another person or persons. If a person is killed due to neglect or wrongful conduct of a person or persons, the...
Apr 30, 2021 | Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere and at any time but are typically a more common occurrence in colder weather states such as Colorado, given the higher incidence of ice and snow, which are some of the most common causes of a slip and fall accident. However,...
Mar 22, 2021 | Wrongful Death
The unexpected death of a loved one is a traumatic and terrible event. In addition to personal concerns and grief, there may also be a loss of support or lost income, medical and funeral expenses for the family members of the deceased, and other unforeseen expenses. A...
Feb 25, 2021 | Personal Injury
If you are involved in an accident or injury in Colorado, preserving any physical evidence of the incident and your injuries can support your position in any legal claim you may decide to pursue. It is important to do this as soon as possible after the incident,...