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Class Action

Class Action Lawsuits Challenge High Overdraft Fees

Class Action Lawsuits Challenge High Overdraft Fees

American consumers are accustomed to forking over driblets of their hard-earned cash to the banks that handle their personal accounts, from ATM fees to surcharges for writing too many checks in a given month. But one of the most burdensome fees is also one of the most...

Class Action

Class Action

What Goes Up: The Volatile World of Cryptocurrency

What Goes Up: The Volatile World of Cryptocurrency

Tales of instant wealth are hard to resist. Popular media accounts about the emerging markets for cryptocurrency are teeming with stories of overnight Bitcoin millionaires — like the 19-year-old investor featured in this CNBC report, who parlayed a $1000 gift from his...

Class Action

OMG, TMI: Tips For Protecting Your Privacy Online

OMG, TMI: Tips For Protecting Your Privacy Online

These are tumultuous times out in cyberspace, from the massive data breach at Equifax last year that compromised the personal data of 148 million people to the recent revelations that private information about millions of Facebook users ended up in the hands of a...

Class Action

Understanding The How and Why of a Class Action Lawsuit

Understanding The How and Why of a Class Action Lawsuit

“There is strength in numbers.” It’s impossible to know what ancient general first uttered that sentiment, but it’s as true today, in the age of digital politics and Twitter followers, as it was in the times of prehistoric warfare. And it’s the key to understand a...

Class Action

401K Lawsuits Fight High Fees, Mismanagement Lawsuit

401K Lawsuits Fight High Fees, Mismanagement Lawsuit

Almost 100 million Americans participate in a retirement contribution plan at work — and are counting on the savings in those plans to provide needed income in years to come. But many of these 401(k) and 403(b) plans charge high fees or present inappropriate...