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Class Action

Give Wisely: How to Avoid Fake Charity Scams

Give Wisely: How to Avoid Fake Charity Scams

For many people, the holiday season is not just a time for presenting gifts to loved ones; it’s the time of year they’re most likely to be making generous donations to charities to help others in need. According to one nonprofit clearinghouse, twenty percent of all...

Class Action

Class Action

Defending Your Credit: Know Your Rights

Defending Your Credit: Know Your Rights

Defending Your Credit: Know Your Rights For many people, a good credit score is a point of pride — and essential to their sense of financial well-being. After all, good credit can be the key to obtaining a mortgage or a business loan. It can ease the way to home...

Class Action

Protecting Yourself from Data Breaches and Identity Thieves

Protecting Yourself from Data Breaches and Identity Thieves

The amount of time Americans spend online — emailing, direct messaging, keeping up with social media, and simply surfing the Internet — keeps going up. According to the latest annual study by the Center for the Digital Future at USC Annenberg, we now spend close to 24...

Class Action

Decipher the Announcement of the Massive Zynga Data Breach

Decipher the Announcement of the Massive Zynga Data Breach

If you played Words with Friends your personal information was compromised Gaming apps are meant to provide a relaxing, carefree escape for smartphone users, but a massive data breach at Zynga, developer of some of the most popular social games, has players reeling —...

Class Action

Protecting Your Investment from Securities Fraud

Protecting Your Investment from Securities Fraud

We’ve all seen the headlines. A stock that was supposed to be the Next Big Thing turns out to be a loss leader. A brokerage house that was supposed to be Too Big to Fail shuts its doors. Investors complain that they were misled, and the whole venture ends in a crash...