
Social Media Do’s and Dont’s After Car Wreck

Social Media Do’s and Dont’s After Car Wreck

From Facebook to Instagram to TikTok and beyond, the popularity of social media platforms has transformed millions of us into the stars of our own reality shows. We can instantly update our followers on our daily activities, comment on current events, document exotic...



Aurora Fatal Hit-and-Run Highlights Dangers of Accident Scene

Aurora Fatal Hit-and-Run Highlights Dangers of Accident Scene

Most car accidents can be attributed to careless driving of one kind or another. Someone wasn’t paying enough attention to their surroundings, to traffic laws or changing road conditions, and the result is a crash. Being vigilant can help avoid accidents, but it’s...



Hit-and-Run Victim Attorney

Hit-and-Run Victim Attorney

Hit-and-run accidents have been on the rise in Denver, Colorado. Most recently, a fatal accident involving a hit-and-run vehicle happened on Sunday (8/18). A pickup truck crashed into a car in front of it on East 46th Ave. and Chamber Road. Instead of stopping and...


Recent Hit-and-Run Accidents in Colorado

Recent Hit-and-Run Accidents in Colorado

Fleeing the scene after an accident is illegal in Colorado, but the number of hit-and-run accidents has increased in recent years. As of Monday, September 23rd, there had been 4961 hit-and-runs reported in Denver in 2019. That’s over 18 hit and runs every day! Among...