Driving Safety

Tips For Putting The Brakes On Road Rage

There are few situations on the road that are as scary and potentially dangerous as dealing with an aggressive driver — the kind who speeds around you and cuts you off, tailgates relentlessly, leans on the horn, makes rude gestures, and generally tries to take out...

Driving Safety

Five New Year Driving Resolutions to Be A Safe Driver

Five New Year Driving Resolutions to Be A Safe Driver

It’s one of the unavoidable rites of winter. Every December, as the holidays wind down and the new year approaches, people make plans to step up their game come January. They resolve to lose weight, be kinder, exercise more, spend less, and generally improve...

Driving Safety

Driving Safety

How Technology Is Making Driving Safer

How Technology Is Making Driving Safer

It wasn’t all that long ago that the primary safety feature you could find in the most advanced cars on the road consisted of a seat belt that stretched across your lap. Then a few models began offering exotic features such as antilock brakes and dual front airbags...

Driving Safety

Blind Spots and How to Fix Them: Driving Safety Facts

Blind Spots and How to Fix Them: Driving Safety Facts

BLIND SPOTS CAUSE 20% OF ACCIDENTS It happens hundreds of times a day, hundreds of thousands of times a year. A driver attempts to change lanes — and ends up in a sideswipe collision with another vehicle, thanks to a blind spot. According to one study by the National...

Driving Safety

Distracted Driving: A Rising Hazard On The Roads

Distracted Driving: A Rising Hazard On The Roads

Some traffic accidents are probably unavoidable, the result of bad weather, a mechanical failure, or poor road conditions. But the vast majority of mishaps on the road are preventable. Numerous studies of crash causation, conducted in the United States and elsewhere,...